Чаузи Ф1 скучает также как и все во время самоизоляции в связи с COVID-19. Решили составить ему компанию и поиграть взаперти. В клетку к дикой кошке, слабо?!
Chausie F1 is bored as well as everyone else during self-isolation in connection with COVID-19. We decided to keep him company and play indoors. In a cage with a wild cat, are you ready?!
Chausie F1 is bored as well as everyone else during self-isolation in connection with COVID-19. We decided to keep him company and play indoors. In a cage with a wild cat, are you ready?!
- Catégories
- Chats de Race Chausie
- Mots-clés
- chausie, chausief1, wilddomesticcats