I bought one piece.
It seems that there is no word or concept of "cold sensitivity" overseas, especially in the United States. Jealous.
"Improvement reaction" is a term used in oriental medicine and refers to temporary symptoms that occur in the body during the process of treatment with Chinese herbs and acupuncture and moxibustion massage.
Symptoms may appear more than once. In addition, it is not a symptom that everyone always feels, and there are individual differences in the degree and duration of the symptom. Talk to your doctor if your symptoms are unbearably painful.
いびき/Snoring sound/코의 소리/鼾声/เสียงกรน/Tiếng ngáy/Snarkande ljud/सोते सोते चूकना/ngongoro
湯たんぽ/Hot water bottle/매력/热水瓶/ขวดน้ำร้อน/Chai nước nóng/Varmvattensflaska/गर्म पानी की बोतल/Pounamu wai wera
温活/Promotes metabolism/신진 대사를 촉진시킨다/ส่งเสริมการเผาผลาญ/Thúc đẩy quá trình trao đổi chất/Främjar ämnesomsättningen/चयापचय को बढ़ावा देता है/Whakatairanga i te pākia
冷え性/Poor blood circulation/혈액 순환이 나쁜/血液循环不畅/การไหลเวียนโลหิตไม่ดี/Lưu thông máu kém/Dålig blodcirkulation/खराब रक्त परिसंचरण/Te koretake o te toto/促进新陈代谢
同居人/Housemate/동거인/室友/Bạn chung phòng/เพื่อนร่วมบ้าน/Huskompis/घर के सदस्यों के/เพื่อนร่วมบ้าน
I'm not lonely even if I live alone/혼자라도 외롭지 않아/一个人住也不孤单/Tôi không cô đơn ngay cả khi tôi sống một mình/อยู่ตัวคนเดียวก็ไม่เหงา/Jag är inte ensam även om jag bor ensam/मैं अकेला नहीं रहता, भले ही मैं अकेला रहता हूँ/Kaore au i te mokemoke ahakoa kei te noho mokemoke ahau
寝配信/Broadcast while sleeping/자면서 방송/睡觉时广播/Phát trong khi ngủ/ออกอากาศขณะนอนหลับ/Sänd medan du sover/सोते समय प्रसारण/Panui i a koe e moe ana
リラクゼーション/relaxation/휴식/松弛/thư giãn/การพักผ่อน/avslappning/विश्राम/whakangā
好転反応/Improve reaction/호전 반응/改善反应/Cải thiện phản ứng/ปรับปรุงปฏิกิริยา/Förbättra reaktionen/प्रतिक्रिया में सुधार/Whakapai ake i te tauhohenga
I bought one piece.
It seems that there is no word or concept of "cold sensitivity" overseas, especially in the United States. Jealous.
"Improvement reaction" is a term used in oriental medicine and refers to temporary symptoms that occur in the body during the process of treatment with Chinese herbs and acupuncture and moxibustion massage.
Symptoms may appear more than once. In addition, it is not a symptom that everyone always feels, and there are individual differences in the degree and duration of the symptom. Talk to your doctor if your symptoms are unbearably painful.
いびき/Snoring sound/코의 소리/鼾声/เสียงกรน/Tiếng ngáy/Snarkande ljud/सोते सोते चूकना/ngongoro
湯たんぽ/Hot water bottle/매력/热水瓶/ขวดน้ำร้อน/Chai nước nóng/Varmvattensflaska/गर्म पानी की बोतल/Pounamu wai wera
温活/Promotes metabolism/신진 대사를 촉진시킨다/ส่งเสริมการเผาผลาญ/Thúc đẩy quá trình trao đổi chất/Främjar ämnesomsättningen/चयापचय को बढ़ावा देता है/Whakatairanga i te pākia
冷え性/Poor blood circulation/혈액 순환이 나쁜/血液循环不畅/การไหลเวียนโลหิตไม่ดี/Lưu thông máu kém/Dålig blodcirkulation/खराब रक्त परिसंचरण/Te koretake o te toto/促进新陈代谢
同居人/Housemate/동거인/室友/Bạn chung phòng/เพื่อนร่วมบ้าน/Huskompis/घर के सदस्यों के/เพื่อนร่วมบ้าน
I'm not lonely even if I live alone/혼자라도 외롭지 않아/一个人住也不孤单/Tôi không cô đơn ngay cả khi tôi sống một mình/อยู่ตัวคนเดียวก็ไม่เหงา/Jag är inte ensam även om jag bor ensam/मैं अकेला नहीं रहता, भले ही मैं अकेला रहता हूँ/Kaore au i te mokemoke ahakoa kei te noho mokemoke ahau
寝配信/Broadcast while sleeping/자면서 방송/睡觉时广播/Phát trong khi ngủ/ออกอากาศขณะนอนหลับ/Sänd medan du sover/सोते समय प्रसारण/Panui i a koe e moe ana
リラクゼーション/relaxation/휴식/松弛/thư giãn/การพักผ่อน/avslappning/विश्राम/whakangā
好転反応/Improve reaction/호전 반응/改善反应/Cải thiện phản ứng/ปรับปรุงปฏิกิริยา/Förbättra reaktionen/प्रतिक्रिया में सुधार/Whakapai ake i te tauhohenga
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- Chats de Race Oriental