청소하는날 고양이들은... 그리고 겨울분위기로 바꾸기. / My cats in the cleaning day and let's have the winter mood.

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청소를 하고, 가을이 지나가고, 겨울 분위기가 나는 tapestry 로 바꿨어요.

I cleaned the room and changed the tapestry for making the winter mood.
Please, turn on the English subtitle for my speaking in this video.

0:00 청소하기 / Cleaning
2:06 tapestry 바꾸기 / switching the tapestry

[나는냥 / Who we are]
????라떼 / Latte
스코티쉬폴드+히말라얀 고양이 믹스묘
Mixed of Scottish fold & Himalayan cat
3.18 .2017 / Female

????둘째 / Duljjae
시베리아 고양이, Siberian forest cat
4.12. 2017 / Female

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