10 Short Hair Cat Breeds Who Are Perfectly Suited to Sharing Life With

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10 Short Hair Cat Breeds Who Are Perfectly Suited to Sharing Life With

Less shedding + less grooming = more time to enjoy your cat's company! While lack of locks is part of the equation, there's a long list of what's to love about these short hair cat breeds
What's in a name? For cats, it's often pretty simple. Some of the most popular cat breeds are defined by the length of their luxurious locks—take the British shorthair or American shorthair (two of the 10 most popular cat breeds in the world) for example. For cats with unknown lineage, fur length also becomes a key descriptor.

"Traditionally cats have been divided into short haired and long haired," says Bonnie Bragdon, DVM, president and co-founder of the Independent Veterinary Practitioners Association. "As a matter of fact, when a cat's breed is unknown a veterinarian will list the cat as a 'DSH' (i.e. domestic short haired cat), 'DMH' (i.e. domestic medium haired cat), and 'DLH' (i.e. domestic long haired cat)."

Of course, a feline's fur is just one feature that distinguishes them from other breeds. Short hair cat breeds, generally speaking, require less grooming and may shed less than other cats, but each breed is unique in their own right.

American Shorthair
Thick-coated and strong, the American shorthair cat has long been enemy to vermin stalking American soil—early ancestors of the American shorthair made quite the mousers aboard the Mayflower.

European Shorthair
Like the American shorthair, the European shorthair is a muscular mouser well-recognized in their home continent, though they are rarer in other parts of the world.

British Shorthair
Rotund and teddy-bear-esque, it's no surprise British shorthairs rounded out the top five most popular cat breeds in the world this past year.

Exotic Shorthair
A double take may be required for these Persian doppelgangers. With their flat faces and round eyes, the exotic shorthair is nearly a dead ringer for the popular Persian breed, with one key distinction: short hair! Unlike their cousins' considerable coats, these low-maintenance cats require little outside of a weekly brushing.

Oriental Shorthair
Spoiler alert: If Dobby's death in "Harry Potter" still brings tears to your eyes, the Oriental shorthair cat might catch you by surprise. Their long ears atop narrow noses draw adorable Dobby to mind.

Soft and silky, the Burmese is best recognized for a dark sable coat, but brown, blue, cream, and even red coats are possible, almost always as a single solid color.

Devon Rex
Speaking of cats resembling their canine counterparts, the Devon rex is the poodle of kitties, boasting fine, wavy fur well-suited for pet parents with allergies—curly coats are often easier on sniffle-prone owners.

Don't panic—the case of the Manx with the missing tail is due to a naturally occurring genetic mutation in the breed

Weighing as little as 4 pounds and typically maxing out at no more than 8 pounds, the petite Singapura is the smallest domestic cat breed.

The Tonkinese is the offspring of Siamese and Burmese parentage, sharing many of the beloved qualities of these breeds, including the short, silky fur noted in the Burmese.

So, Do Short-Haired Cats Shed or Not?
As you may have gleaned by now, short-haired cats aren't exempt from shedding, but certain breeds may be better for owners with allergies than others. Not to mention, most require minimal grooming to keep hair in line. Still, every cat is different.


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Short Hair Cat, short hair cat breeds, top 10 cat breeds

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