Bengal Cat At The Gym?! (Training Ideas For All Cats)

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Hi everyone!
how to keep your cat happy and mentally stimulated? especially a bengal…
stormtrooper and me went to the gym today. I work as a personal trainer so i have a lot of gym equipment at home which i regularly use for my cats training. In this session we are using exercise hurdles and a balance ball (Bosu). You can use anything really for jumping, just make sure it is safe.
The in and out hurdles idea i took from training jumping horses. The jumps are not high but so close together the can only land and have to jump again immediately without a step in between. like this the horse (or cat) needs to bring the hind legs far under the body and work, which works the core and push forcefully which trains the glutes.
plus it is good for balance.
The whole session took about 12 minutes, i cut it a bit, but i cut only turns out.
halfway through, i should have stopped because he got tired. i saw it now on the footage. stopping at the right moment i still find one of the most difficult things to do.
in general, the goal of my training is to keep stormtrooper always engaged and work on core values like strength, flexibility and fitness in order to prevent injury.
Hope you enjoyed the video!
Chats de Race Bengal
Bengal cat, Bengalen Katze, Bengal cat training

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