Big day … Uncle Luke catches a SNAKE!

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Well there’s probably not much point writing much else when you mention the word SNAKE!

For those living outside of Australia… many parts of Australia are home to various snakes. Here at the farm, there are plenty of varieties that live around us.

For this reason, we invested heavily in a snake fence that keeps out venomous snakes. It spans our entire perimeter, over 3 kilometres of it, plus additional internal snake fencing also.

We put the fence in before we moved the business to the farm. Once it was installed we started the big task of relocating all the snakes that were within the fence perimeter.

We will occasionally get a common tree snake (non venomous) that enters via the tree tops. Today was one of those days!

For those that may not know, our supporters and behind the scenes members will, Luke is a qualified snake handler and also has a love for snakes, so whilst the rest of us gasp, Luke gets a bit excited to see such wildlife up close (Aunty Sam less so).

On another note, today is just another reason why we invest so much time training the pack. At a moment’s notice, the entire pack can be evacuated swiftly and safely.

Australia is our home and we’re proud to live in such a beautiful, but at times, dangerous country. We’ve survived drought, bush fires and floods. Snakes are just another part of this incredible country.

Whilst it might sound like an intense day for some, it was a truly great day. We’re feeling proud of our team, our pack and the whole journey to here and the set up we’ve created.

P.S I’ll post a little later this evening, a video of the girls helping Dad relocate the snake on the family channel.
Chats de Race German Rex

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