"Deutschland über alles" sloganı 1800lerin sonlarına doğru küçük alman devletlerinin (Türingiya, Saksonya, Bavyara vs.) Prusya çatısı altında toplanması sonrası "Almanya her şeyden üstündür" sloganı çıkmıştır. Sanılanın aksine aslen "Almanya her bir küçük devletten üstündür" anlamındadır. Yani asıl hedefimiz büyük Almanya'yı oluşturmaktır anlamına gelir.
"Deutschland über alles" slogan Towards the end of the 1800s, after the small German states (Thuringia, Saxony, Bavaria, etc.) were gathered under the roof of Prussia, the slogan "Germany is superior to everything" came out. Contrary to popular belief, it actually means "Germany is superior to every small state". That means our main goal is to create a great Germany.
"Deutschland über alles" slogan Towards the end of the 1800s, after the small German states (Thuringia, Saxony, Bavaria, etc.) were gathered under the roof of Prussia, the slogan "Germany is superior to everything" came out. Contrary to popular belief, it actually means "Germany is superior to every small state". That means our main goal is to create a great Germany.
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