Extrovert ???? vs. Introvert cat #cat #catlover #catplaying #catpersonality
Based on petradioshow.com
Greet visitors at the door?
Enjoy getting attention?
Want to be part of family activities?
Need to check out anything that comes in the house, whether it’s a person or something a postal carrier dropped off?
Think change is actually pretty interesting?
Have a bold streak and a sense of fun?
Hide when the doorbell rings?* Dive under the bed when company comes over?
Only want to be petted by close family members, and then only when she chooses?
Get upset by change?
Enjoy quiet family activities, but will disappear when things get too noisy?
Get startled easily and need a lot of recovery time?”
Based on petradioshow.com
Greet visitors at the door?
Enjoy getting attention?
Want to be part of family activities?
Need to check out anything that comes in the house, whether it’s a person or something a postal carrier dropped off?
Think change is actually pretty interesting?
Have a bold streak and a sense of fun?
Hide when the doorbell rings?* Dive under the bed when company comes over?
Only want to be petted by close family members, and then only when she chooses?
Get upset by change?
Enjoy quiet family activities, but will disappear when things get too noisy?
Get startled easily and need a lot of recovery time?”
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- Chats de Race Korat
- Mots-clés
- cat, cats, kitten