Fig & Guava Fight To Beat The Infection That Stole Their Right To Walk

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Running and playing are two things every kitten longs to do, but for Fig and Guava, that right has been stolen by an infection spreading through their lungs, stripping them of their ability to walk.

Sweet Fig is fighting for her life right now as pneumonia and lameness (unable to walk at all) have resulted from her original battle with calicivirus. Unfortunately, Fig is not the only sibling making a home out of the hospital…poor Guava will now join her while battling the same symptoms. That said, we would greatly appreciate all the help we can get to ensure these babies are given back the time of being a kitten that was robbed from them!

These brave kitties are expected to recover fully, assuming they get the necessary medical care. So, we ask that you please consider donating to their ongoing care, medical treatments, and hospitalization. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated, and we will keep you all updated on their progress. Thank you!
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