German shepherd Rex offleash we a have great bonding, our own natural agility coarse hurricane wood.

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German shepherd Rex offleash, we have great bonding, our own natural agility coarse. The hurricane wood. On October 17, 1967, Bornholm was hit by a hurricane that devastated Almindingen. The traces of the disaster are found alive in the Hurricane Forest, which has lain as untouched forest since the event. There is public access and the place is definitely worth a visit.The twin storms, Dagmar and Egon, caused a lot of damage when they hit Denmark on 9 and 10 January 2015.
But it is for nothing to count in relation to the consequences of the hurricane that hit Denmark and not least Bornholm on 17 October 1967 The hurricane shattered hundreds of farms and houses on the island. And it went hard over the forests because the ground was soaked after heavy rains and because there were still leaves on the trees. The wind therefore took a good hold of the deciduous trees, which due to the soft soil were uprooted everywhere on Bornholm.
The Hurricane Forest - a memory of 1967
Much ahead of its time, the then state forestry designated a "scientific observation area", as stated on the old, solid metal sign that the forestry has set up out in the woods. It was not common to leave forests at that time, and it caused quite a stir that the state forestry thus let a lot of wood "go to waste". Today, it is an important part of the Danish Nature Agency's task to protect biodiversity (nature's diversity of animals, plants and fungi) by, among other things, leaving selected forest areas untouched.
The decision in 1967 is therefore the reason why Bornholm today has a memory of the disaster and a treasure in the form of a piece of forest, which since the hurricane has been completely left to the forces of nature.
The area, which mostly consisted of beech, was selected to follow the natural development of the forest after a violent tree fall. The trees had fallen close. A few large and strong beeches had survived the hurricane, but most had been uprooted. Here, almost 50 years after the hurricane, the area is becoming really interesting, and over the years it becomes even more exciting and primeval forest-like. Here you can follow what happens when a forest takes care of itself.
In the Danish Nature Agency on Bornholm, we have started to call the place "Orkanskoven". It is definitely worth a visit
The experimental area in Almindingen is located on the highest part of Bornholm near Rytterknægten (162 meters above sea level). Here, significantly more precipitation falls than elsewhere on the island, and there is more often dense fog, so it drips and drifts off moisture from the trees.

The felled trees lay close in the wet area, and the standing trees stood scattered. Most felled trees still had grounding through part of the roots. And when there was plenty of water and light in the first years after the hurricane, most of the fallen trees continued to grow. New tribes have been shot in the air from the victims of the storm. They live on as invalids. Since the storm, lots of trees have also sprouted up by natural overgrowth - especially warty birch, but also electricity and ash in the wettest places. Here - almost fifty years after the great storm - the forest is on its way to becoming something like a piece of primeval forest with lots of trees of many ages and stages of decay, fungi, moss, lichen, ferns, herbs, insects and all that. life belonging to a wild forest. The really old trees are missing. They come with time. Just wait a few hundred years ...
Watch biologist and author Flemming Rune tell more in this little broadcast from Hurricane Forest .

It is easy to visit Orkanskoven
The small area that has remained untouched since 1967, easy to find. When you come from Rønne, you stop at the Arboretum at Segenhus, just when you have entered Almindingen. From here, take the hiking trail just east of the parking lot to the southeast and walk about half a mile through coniferous forest. Then the path turns right, and goes through the hurricane-hit deciduous forest. The path is marked with yellow dots (tour no. III) on the map in the Danish Nature Agency's leaflet about Almindingen .

Good trip!
Chats de Race German Rex
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