guten morgen, mein kater hat schnupfen und das seitdem ich ihn aus dem tierheim holte, er hat chronischen schnupfen knd bekommt seit 6 Jahren homöopathische Mittel von mir. Ich kenne mich damit aus! Danke für euren Besuch,du würdest uns sehr helfen mit einem like, kostenlosen Abo und einem Kommentar. vielen dank für deinen Besuch
Good morning, my cat has a cold and it has been since I got him from the animal shelter, he has had a chronic cold and has been taking homeopathic remedies from me for 6 years. I know about it! Thank you for your visit, you would help us a lot with a like, free subscription and a comment. Thank you for your visit
Good morning, my cat has a cold and it has been since I got him from the animal shelter, he has had a chronic cold and has been taking homeopathic remedies from me for 6 years. I know about it! Thank you for your visit, you would help us a lot with a like, free subscription and a comment. Thank you for your visit
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