Grab Yeowww! Catnip at #floppycats

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I have long tooted how I feel about the Yeowww! Catnip banana. My Rags was given one when he was 15-years old and it was the only toy in his entire life that he returned to over and over again.

Since then, I have only come to love it more as I have seen my parents' 15-year old cats, Caymus and Murphy, play with it, my 10-year old Ragdoll cats, Charlie and Trigg, bunny kick it and my sister's young Ragdoll cats, Addie and Ash, enjoy them too! Not to mention countless readers who have sung it's praises. A friend of mine who lives in Australia, recently travleed to the USA - saw a Yeowww! catnip banana in a store and bought one for her kitty to try - even know her kitty hadn't responded to catnip before.

Sure enough, when she presented her gift to him upon her return, he went nuts - only to prove the quality of Yeowww! catnip is top notch. Yeowww! catnip is sold in independent retailers across the USA or you can buy it online:

Yeowww! Catnip [Amazon] [Chewy]

Chats de Race Ragdoll
catnip kicker toy, yeowww my cats balls, yeowww cat toys

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