How natural light affects my cat’s fur and eye color

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A savannah and bengal adventure cat, Raja loves to go on walks. This is a series of clips demonstrating how natural light affects her coat and eye color.

Natural light varies greatly depending on the weather, season, time of day, position of the sun and environmental objects. Light from the north casts a cool, bluish tint. It is indirect, diffused and can make colors appear darker and less saturated. Light from the south is warm but can be too intense or glaring. Light from the east or west casts a warm mix of yellow, orange or red that changes throughout the day with the sun's position. It is softer and yellow in the morning, shifting to intense and orange or red in the late afternoon. When natural light is reduced, color will change from saturation to its complementary color along with a lesser intensity; yellow will change to orange and red before its complementary color, violet.
Chats de Race Savannah
natural light, natural lighting, transition

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