The Truth about Bengal Cats! | Real Life Experience ????

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If you've ever considered getting a bengal cat, please watch this video first! ????

Bengal cats are a very popular and beautiful breed but should you have one as a pet?
As an bengal cat owner, I can reveal the truth about owning a bengal, pitfalls to look out for and what to expect from your gorgeous furry friend.

Learn the truth about bengals including - why they aren't a true breed, how to pick a kitten and things you can expect.

0:32 What are Bengal Cats?
01:22 Do Bengal Cats Make Good Pets?
03:14 Are Bengal Cats Dangerous?
04:18 Bengal Cat Temperament
05:22 Are Bengal Cats Good with Children?
06:13 Info for prospective Bengal Cat Owners
08:28 Should you get a Bengal Cat?

If you have any questions about Bengal Cats or about Bedford, please do let us know and we'll be happy to answer!

Please remember to like, comment & subscribe to the channel! ????

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Chats de Race Bengal
bengal cat, bengal cats, bengal

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