what kind of cat is this guys#shorts

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The sphynx cat is known as one type of cat with thin fur and even looks like it has no hair. For those of you who want to have this type of cat, it's better if you listen to some basic information about the cat first.

At first the sphynx cat type was present as one of the puppies of a local cat breed in Canada. The cat was born with a condition without hair or only has fine hair.

This happens because of a genetic change that makes it have a small amount of fur. Starting from this, then the type of cat began to be bred again.

They even began to be named as a new type of cat breed, namely the Canadian Hairless race.
However, because of the assumption that the cat without fur is unhealthy, the Cat Fanciers Association or CFA began to declare that this cat breed will experience extinction.

This was followed by the discontinuation of the breed of this type of cat. After some time, a similar type of cat was reborn, namely without hair, which is now present in the area of ​​Minnesota, USA.

Unlike his fate in Canada. While in America, this type of cat was actually crossed with another type of cat, namely the Devon Rex cat.

From the crossbreeding, there is a breed of cat without fur which now comes with a healthier and fitter appearance. This type of cat is known as the Sphynx

Characteristics of Sphynx Cats
The following are some of the physical characteristics shown by this type of sphynk cat, including:


Although it looks hairless, in fact this cat is known for its fine fur.


The Sphynx is a medium-weight cat. It is characterized by its weight which is in the size of 3 to 6 kg.

Body posture

Sphynx cats have a well-built body. It is supported by its four legs. In addition, his body shape is much slimmer and elongated.

As for some other body parts, such as the tail, body and head, it looks like a cat from the Bengal race.

Sphynx Cat Traits

Although it looks scary, this cat is known for several traits that are quite the opposite, such as:

Likes to seek attention
Love to play
Enjoys socializing
Can't be left alone


The physical shape of the eyes looks wide

Feather Color

Despite having thin fur, it turns out that the fur of this type of cat comes in a variety of colors. Starting from black, white, pink, blue, beige brown and other colors.
Chats de Race Devon Rex

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