With great sadness and a broken heart I must tell you of the sudden passing of Yogi Otto on Sunday June 6th. Yogi had advanced heart disease but I didn’t know that. A blood clot traveled to his legs, he lost the use of his legs, and his lungs filled with liquid and he was in such pain. I rushed him to the emergency hospital but I had to make the unbelievable decision to let him go to sleep. He went peacefully and I feel in my heart that it was the right thing to do, though it left me in a giant puddle of shock, heartache and tears. We are all beyond devastated to lose Yogi so suddenly. I have barely been able to put one foot in front of the other. For all of you who have lost a beloved cat or family member I know you understand how I feel. I hope he said goodbye to the others before he crossed over. They look for him but it is hard to know what they are thinking or feeling.
Yogi’s presence in our home was bigger than life. He ruled here or at least he acted like he did. Yogi was a beautiful cat with deep green eyes and boy was he smart. He was also tough, naughty, intense, and thought he was a dog but he was so sweet also to me and the other Furballs. He slept at the end of the bed and ruled from there. He was the sibling and littermate of Merlin and Elfin. They were born June 15th, 2007, which means Yogi was just shy of 14 when he decided to leave. I don’t get any sense that he hung around here.
There are other Furballs with medical issues. All of our appointments were made before Yogi’s passing. Yogi had a dental appointment on June 29th to have that vampire tooth removed. I am waiting to hear about Elfin. He has to have most if not all of teeth removed and we are consulting a cardiologist to make sure he can survive the surgery.
Buddha has a small tumor by his lip being removed on Monday, which is most likely benign. Both Fairy and Merlin will get check ups too. I just haven't made the appointments yet. If I can I will update here if I am up to it.
I never thought about the future and what would happen to Furball Fables when one of the Furballs crossed the Rainbow Bridge. But when Yogi crossed it somehow changed my whole life in an instant. I know we will carry on but I have to take a break and really think things through. In these past two weeks I feel a big shift and I am not sure what will happen but I hope with all my heart all of our friends here will understand and support us. I plan to do art for a while until I heal from this. If you want to stay in touch, please visit our website at Furballfables.com and sign up for our newsletter. I think I may spend more time there writing blogs in the near future until I figure things out. You can also email us at furballfables@gmail.com
I promise to read all your comments. You know I will weep and weep and weep, so it may be hard to reply. I will do so with a broken heart. It has been incredibly difficult to write this. The video is footage and pictures from my phone. In the blink of an eye Yogi was gone. So love your babies with all your hearts. You only get so many moments with them on earth. With all my love, Chase, Merlin, Fairy, Elfin, Buddha, and Yogi in heaven. xoxoxo
Yogi’s presence in our home was bigger than life. He ruled here or at least he acted like he did. Yogi was a beautiful cat with deep green eyes and boy was he smart. He was also tough, naughty, intense, and thought he was a dog but he was so sweet also to me and the other Furballs. He slept at the end of the bed and ruled from there. He was the sibling and littermate of Merlin and Elfin. They were born June 15th, 2007, which means Yogi was just shy of 14 when he decided to leave. I don’t get any sense that he hung around here.
There are other Furballs with medical issues. All of our appointments were made before Yogi’s passing. Yogi had a dental appointment on June 29th to have that vampire tooth removed. I am waiting to hear about Elfin. He has to have most if not all of teeth removed and we are consulting a cardiologist to make sure he can survive the surgery.
Buddha has a small tumor by his lip being removed on Monday, which is most likely benign. Both Fairy and Merlin will get check ups too. I just haven't made the appointments yet. If I can I will update here if I am up to it.
I never thought about the future and what would happen to Furball Fables when one of the Furballs crossed the Rainbow Bridge. But when Yogi crossed it somehow changed my whole life in an instant. I know we will carry on but I have to take a break and really think things through. In these past two weeks I feel a big shift and I am not sure what will happen but I hope with all my heart all of our friends here will understand and support us. I plan to do art for a while until I heal from this. If you want to stay in touch, please visit our website at Furballfables.com and sign up for our newsletter. I think I may spend more time there writing blogs in the near future until I figure things out. You can also email us at furballfables@gmail.com
I promise to read all your comments. You know I will weep and weep and weep, so it may be hard to reply. I will do so with a broken heart. It has been incredibly difficult to write this. The video is footage and pictures from my phone. In the blink of an eye Yogi was gone. So love your babies with all your hearts. You only get so many moments with them on earth. With all my love, Chase, Merlin, Fairy, Elfin, Buddha, and Yogi in heaven. xoxoxo
- Catégories
- Chats de Race Chartreux
- Mots-clés
- Furball Fables, Yogi Otto