Please come see this live stream stream on a new web page I have built. There is an additional live camera and a much better chat: It also contains information about the owls, cameras and information about where they live and more!
Bella has a Facebook page too:
The camera is located in northern Utah. Bella and Copper are a Western Screech Owl's. The year 2019 was their first year nesting in my nest box (first that I have noticed).
More information on western screech owls can be found here: and
Did you look away and miss something happening in the box? This stream has DVR enabled, so you can back up the video as much as 12 hours. Just hover your mouse pointer near the bottom of the screen. See the red line? Click and move your pointer over it to decide how far to back up. When you want to return to the real time (live) stream click “LIVE” (just below the red line).
Bella has a Facebook page too:
The camera is located in northern Utah. Bella and Copper are a Western Screech Owl's. The year 2019 was their first year nesting in my nest box (first that I have noticed).
More information on western screech owls can be found here: and
Did you look away and miss something happening in the box? This stream has DVR enabled, so you can back up the video as much as 12 hours. Just hover your mouse pointer near the bottom of the screen. See the red line? Click and move your pointer over it to decide how far to back up. When you want to return to the real time (live) stream click “LIVE” (just below the red line).
- Catégories
- Chats de Race Savannah